Ministries & Programs


Ministries & Programs

Ministries & Programs

Prayer List

This list is comprised of prayer requests coming to us through conversations from our church family and community.

Please remember that this prayer list is private to the HPC family.  I know your prayers are greatly appreciated by the families and individuals on this list.


Mason - salvation - bad back & neck

Jonathan - cancer - salvation

Erin - return to God - 

Will - trouble with the law - facing uncertain future - salvation

Nick - Mary Geiger's brother - cancer - home recovering

Garland Trottier - health issues

Miracle baby Micah

Bill & Gaye Potter

Gail Shillington - Sandra Gill's sister - recovery from treatments

George Prosser - cancer

Tom Paul's cousin's wife - kidney failure and result of dialysis gone wrong

Patty's family, Kirsten...also Isabel

Carol - Adele Roberts' sister - cancer

David Gill - Doris Kierstead

Matthew & Alaina Tripp

Church Leadership - leading the church through this unique season

Our leaders

Those in our city and surrounding area being afflicted with the COVID-19